Draw Near

Helping each person to draw near to Christ and to one another.

About the show

At Draw Near, we explore the beautiful truth that God, out of His deep and personal love for each of us, takes the first step to draw near. But this divine movement calls for a response—a response that shapes our lives and transforms our hearts. Together, we embark on this journey of faith, discovering the many ways God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit work within us.

Rooted in the Catholic faith, our podcast is a space where authenticity meets joy. We’re two best friends navigating life, family, and faith with honesty, humility, and a lot of love. Each episode is a heartfelt conversation—sometimes deep, sometimes lighthearted, but always real. We strive to be vulnerable, faithful, and passionate, sharing insights and stories to inspire you on your path toward Christ.

This is more than a podcast; it’s a shared journey toward sainthood. So come laugh with us, reflect with us, and grow with us as we Draw Near to God and one another. Let’s set out together on this adventure of faith, friendship, and grace.

Draw Near on social media


  • The Soul of the Apostolate

    February 21st, 2024  |  55 mins 38 secs
    apostolate, catholic, discipleship, evangelization, interior life, ministry, relational ministry

    We are joined by our good friend Eric Gallagher over the next five epsiodes on the apostolate and the interior life! This episode originally posted as part of the Substack platform/podcast we share with Eric, called I See a Movement! We thought this series would be a blessing to all of our Draw Near listeners on your Lenten journey. And of course... we also want you to check out https://www.iseeamovement.com/

    In this episdoe, we begin by laying a foundation for this new season. Here we look at the foundational truth, that by grace and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our souls, we are apostles. We take an honest look at what this means for our our lives; and discuss our tendency to want to be independent and in control. We look at the value and necessity of the interior life, and the role our relationship with Christ bears in the fruitfulness of our efforts. We also take a look at the importance of prayer and humility as the greatest strength.

  • The Sacrifice of Our Lives (MLMG Ep 21)

    February 16th, 2024  |  28 mins 30 secs
    conversion, eucharist, matthew leonard, testimony

    In this episode we are joined by our friend, catholic speaker, author, filmmaker, founder of the Science of Sainthood, and host of the Art of Catholic podcast, Matthew Leonard. What was the journey from being a Protestant pastor's kid to receiving Christ in the Eucharist like for Matthew? How did meeting one Catholic family who did "relational evangelization" well set him on a new path?

    Matthew and Fred share what it is like to discover Catholic teaching, and how it led them both through an, at times, confusing process asking the Lord, "Who are you?" Why was the question of authority so critical in this process? This, too. is discussed.

    We look at the "pedestal" that converts can sometimes be placed on, and offer some encouragement for cradle Catholics.

    Matthew also describes the radical new way he encountered Christ in the Eucharist and the realization of becoming a part of a family that goes beyond his blood relations, and why that matters!

    Finally, we look at the central question of our show: "How has your encounter with Christ in the Eucharist changed your life?" The answer to this question has everything to do with how we build our lives; what we are centered on (or more accurately, WHO we are rooted in). Should our encounter with Christ in the Eucharist be evident to those around us? If so, how? What is the role of sacrifice in a Eucharistic life? Listen to find out!

  • DN Classics: Doing Lent... Well?

    February 14th, 2024  |  1 hr 4 mins
    ash wednesday, lent

    Reaching back into "the vault" from a couple of years ago, we share one of our most popular Lenten episodes. If you think you are good at Lent… You are not. No one is good at Lent. But there is a good reason for this. Lent is often a challenge because it requires letting go of things that hinder us in following the Lord. It requires taking up the cross and denying ourselves for something much greater and more beautiful: a deeper encounter with the love and person of Jesus Christ. This helps us to begin to think more like Christ, to live more like Christ, to love more like Christ. But how do we do this? In this episode we invite some of our friends to share some of their own thoughts and experiences of drawing near to the Lord during Lent.

  • I'll See You in the Eucharist (MLMG Ep 19)

    February 9th, 2024  |  25 mins 8 secs
    children, eucharist, fatherhood, testimony

    In this episode we are joined by one of the people that makes My Lord and My God (and the Draw Near apostolate) possible: John Fitzsimmons! In his testimony we hear how the legacy of faith has been handed down from one generation to the next; how encountering Christ in the Eucharist shaped his childhood and fostered in him a desire for more as a new father. We also hear how prioritizing that encounter with Christ in the Eucharist has shaped his family and the impact it has had on his children (two of which we are blessed to call friends). Finally, we see what great fruit "dragging your kids to daily Mass" can bear as John shares how his son Jimmy (seminarian) and his daughter, Mary Kate (entering religious life), are deepening his own faith by sharing with him their own encounter with Christ in the Eucharist!

  • Wrestling with God: A Lectio Divina Reflection on Genesis 32

    February 7th, 2024  |  37 mins 37 secs
    discernment, lectio divina, making decisions, overcoming challenges

    In this episode we dive deep into one of the most perplexing passages in Scripture and reflect on its meaning and the implications for our own lives. What is this passage? Genesis 32:22-32, in which Jacob wrestles with God. In what ways is this passage an invitation for all of us? In what we ways do (and perhaps must) we also wrestle with God? How does this wrestling leave us changed? Listen to find out!

  • Her Answered Prayer: Sonja Corbitt Testimony (MLMG Ep 18)

    February 2nd, 2024  |  44 mins 2 secs
    catholic faith, coming home, conversion, eucharist, sonja corbitt, testimony

    In this episode, we are so grateful to be joined by our good friend, Sonja Corbitt! Here, Sonja shares with us her powerfully stirring testimony about how God led her to the answer to her prayer, and the longing of her heart: "Lord, I want to be closer to you!"

    As always, Sonja shares from the heart with passion. She shares her journey of falling in love with Jesus in and through the Scriptures and how that led her into the Catholic Church.

    Fred and Sonja also discuss the challenges and struggles they faced in making that journey toward the Eucharist; but, also how the sacrifice is worth it! Because in Christ, the deepest longing of our hearts can be found.

  • As You Did in Egypt (MLMG Ep 17)

    January 26th, 2024  |  20 mins 59 secs
    eucharist, exodus, jewish, old testament, passover

    St Augustine famously said, that in the Old Testament, the New Testament is concealed. And in the New Testament, the meaning of the Old Testament is revealed. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that, "All sacred Scripture is but one book, and this one book is Christ (CCC 134). We hear the St John the Baptist and other New Testament writers refer to Christ as the "Lamb of God." But what does this mean? St Paul refers to Christ as our new Passover Lamb (1 Cor 5:7). but again, what is the significance of this passage? What profound truth was the apostle, inspired by the Holy Spirit, desiring to reveal to us? In this episode we look at the Passover (when Israel was freed from Egyptian bondage) found in Exodus 12, and what it reveals to us about our reception of Christ in the Eucharist.

  • Jesus, I Trust In You

    January 24th, 2024  |  45 mins 8 secs
    jesus i trust in you, litany of trust

    In this episode, we share some exciting news! We also spend some time reflecting on one of our favorite prayers, the Litany of Trust. Continuing our "Lectio Series" by reflecting on the prayer itself, we look at what it means to "trust" in the Lord. How can we trust in hard times? How does God forge our trust and hope in Him in the midst of our day to day lives? Listen to find out!

  • I AM the Bread of Life (MLMG Ep 16)

    January 19th, 2024  |  36 mins 48 secs
    apologetics, bread of life, eucharist, john 6

    Continuing our discussion from the episodes, Bread from Heaven and Feeding of the 5,000, in this episode we discuss the meaning of John 6 (particularly, the Bread of Life discourse). In this passage, Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed." What does Jesus mean? Is this a metaphor? Does he mean to be taken literally? If so... what does it mean for us?

  • I Was Made to Be A Priest (MLMG Ep 15)

    January 12th, 2024  |  35 mins 45 secs
    father andrew auer, mass, priesthood, st. louis, testimony

    When God calls your heart, you answer. Fr. Andrew Auer of St. Louis shares how through an invitation to attend weekly mass, God changed his heart. Father's encounter with Christ in the mass at 16 years old led him to leave sin and desire holiness, and it ultimately led him to the priesthood.
    In this episode Fred, Kara, and Father Auer also discuss God's desire for us to approach him with the security and reliance of that like a child to a parent.

  • New Day's Resolution

    January 10th, 2024  |  27 mins 21 secs
    encouragement, goals, new year's resolutions

    In this episode, we reflect on New Year's Resolutions... Or, more accurately, "New Day's Resolutions" and the idea that the Lord's mercies are new every morning. While there is great value in in resolutions for a new year, should we also place an emphasis on the hope of a new day, every day? How do we evaluate the "success" of our resolutions? How do we avoid the temptation to be overly hard on our selves when we believe we fall short? Listen to find out!

  • Feeding the 5000 (MLMG Ep 14)

    January 5th, 2024  |  27 mins 58 secs
    bible, feeding 5000, proof, scripture, teaching

    Serving as a "bridge" between our last episode, Bread from Heaven, and our discussion on the Bread of Life discourse (John 6); this week we take up the topic of the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. From the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, Jesus multiplied the available food such that the crowd that was following him could "eat their fill." Yet, 12 baskets remained leftover. How is this possible? What was John trying to reveal to us about Jesus Christ? What is significant about the language the Gospel writer uses and what are the parallels that can be drawn? How does this miracle point ultimately to the Eucharist? Listen to find out!