Draw Near

Helping each person to draw near to Christ and to one another.

About the show

At Draw Near, we explore the beautiful truth that God, out of His deep and personal love for each of us, takes the first step to draw near. But this divine movement calls for a response—a response that shapes our lives and transforms our hearts. Together, we embark on this journey of faith, discovering the many ways God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit work within us.

Rooted in the Catholic faith, our podcast is a space where authenticity meets joy. We’re two best friends navigating life, family, and faith with honesty, humility, and a lot of love. Each episode is a heartfelt conversation—sometimes deep, sometimes lighthearted, but always real. We strive to be vulnerable, faithful, and passionate, sharing insights and stories to inspire you on your path toward Christ.

This is more than a podcast; it’s a shared journey toward sainthood. So come laugh with us, reflect with us, and grow with us as we Draw Near to God and one another. Let’s set out together on this adventure of faith, friendship, and grace.

Draw Near on social media


  • DN Classics: Virtuous Friendship

    April 17th, 2024  |  55 mins 15 secs
    friends, friendship, holiness, virtue

    Drawing from our vault, we share one of our earliest (but most downloaded) episodes as we lay a foundation for an all new follow up episode next week! In today's culture, it is not uncommon to find ourselves feeling like we have many "friends," or more accurately, "best acquaintances," but still lack meaningful relationships; the friendships we long for that are characterized by love, vulnerability, mutual encouragement and accountability. What does friendship look like? Find out on this episode of Draw Near as Fred and Kara discuss all of this and share from their own close friendship!

  • Catholic Calisthenics (MLMG Ep 26)

    April 12th, 2024  |  34 mins 29 secs
    catholic, mass postures

    What's with all the sitting, standing, and kneeling at a Catholic mass? What is the meaning behind the different postures, because there IS meaning. There is a reason, and that reason brings us deeper into prayer!

  • Why Can't non-Catholics Receive the Eucharist? (MLMG Ep 25)

    April 5th, 2024  |  28 mins 38 secs
    church fathers, fred's testimony, teaching, why can't non-catholics receive the eucharist

    Fred's struggle with the protestant teaching on "communion" actually led him to believe the Catholic understanding! Kara grew up not knowing that, as a Catholic, she shouldn't receive "communion" in other Churches. And why can't non-Catholics receive the Eucharist in the Catholic Church?

  • Why do bad things happen to good people?

    April 3rd, 2024  |  57 mins 18 secs
    scripture, suffering

    As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus at the beginning of this Easter season, we revisit the topic of suffering and reflect on its relationship to the Resurrection; and the experience of resurrection in our own lives. Why do we suffer? What purpose does it serve? How should we approach it? Why does the Lord allow it? And can anything good come from it? In this episode we pull ALOT from Scripture, get a little personal and honest, and reflect suffering in our own lives, and the life of Job, in reflecting on the answers to these questions.

  • For You (DN Classics)

    March 28th, 2024  |  41 mins 4 secs

    Going back to one of our earliest episodes, we pull this discussion of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ from the vault. We pray that it will be a blessing to you as you prepare your hearts for the Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter).

  • Chosen, Blessed, Broken, and Given

    March 27th, 2024  |  57 mins 45 secs

    In this episode, taken from the third season of the I See a Movement podcast, we are joined by Eric Gallagher as we discuss our own personal victories through struggles and crosses. We take a look at how suffering and trials give way to resurrection! We also reflect on the necessity of embracing our own brokenness and weaknesses, and how, by grace, this helps us to trust the Lord more and become better instruments of healing in the world. We also reflect on what it means to live a Eucharistic life as we discuss the necessity of embracing our own brokenness and weaknesses.

  • Emmaus Teaches the Mass (MLMG Ep 24)

    March 22nd, 2024  |  24 mins 53 secs
    eucharist, scripture, teaching, the mass

    Did you know the Road to Emmaus reveals a lot about our encounter with Christ in the Mass? This is one of Fred and Kara's favorite passages!

  • God is in the Mess and in the Mass (MLMG Ep 23)

    March 15th, 2024  |  30 mins 37 secs

    In this testimony episode of MyLord and My God, with EmmaLee Miklosovic, she shares how God has called her out of perfectionism and loved her in her mess. That translates to her relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist: where he has pursued her heart as a romance. As LOVE himself.

  • Struggles in the Interior Life

    March 13th, 2024  |  55 mins 39 secs

    In this third episode taken from the I See a Movement series on the apostolate, we discuss the reality of struggles and obstacles we face in the interior life. Why do these obstacles exist? How do we overcome them? Listen to find out!

  • The Interior Life

    March 6th, 2024  |  57 mins 5 secs

    In this second episode taken from the I See a Movement series on the apostolate, we discuss the interior life and it's place within the apostolate of every believer. What is the interior life? What are some of the struggles we face as we strive to grow in the interior life? Listen to find out!

    Learn more about I See a Movement at: https://www.iseeamovement.com

  • Behold the Lamb (MLMG Ep 20)

    March 1st, 2024  |  33 mins 56 secs
    behold the lamb, eucharist, mass

    "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
    In this episode, by looking at the Scriptural meaning and themes of "the lamb," we can better understand the gravity of the words we hear every mass... but perhaps have never truly heard.

  • The Last Supper (MLMG Ep 22)

    February 23rd, 2024  |  28 mins 46 secs
    scripture teaching, the last supper

    The Institution of the Eucharist (Catholic Mass) comes at the Last Supper. In this episode, Fred and Kara begin by explaining the theme of "covenant" throughout the story of salvation. Jesus, at the Lord's Supper, fulfills the Old Covenant, institutes the New Covenant, and gives us the "thank" offering that will continue for all of time in the Eucharist.