Episode 82

Abandonment to Jesus: Ch 4 - I Believe in Love


December 21st, 2022

24 mins 8 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

For a limited time, as a "Christmas gift" to our listeners, please enjoy our full discussion from our I Believe in Love book study on the fourth chapter of this life changing book. Here we discuss what it means to abandon one's self to Jesus; to live the prayer, "Thy will be done." Shorter than a typical episode of Draw Near, but also a bit more personal at times, we hope and pray, but also believe, that these discussions will be a blessing to you (whether you have read the book or not - but we hope you will!).

For the Book Study (or for going deeper):
This book, "I Believe in Love," is a personal retreat based on the teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux written by Fr Jean C J D'Elbee

  1. Read Chapter 4 (Pgs. 81-113)
  2. Listen to this discussion of Conference 4 between Fred and Kara from [Draw Near](drawnear.me)!
  3. Discuss the following discussion questions with a friend OR in the "discussion" feed within the book study on Suscipe You can also click on this link to join the study! It's not too late!

For your convenience, here are the questions:

  1. There are examples and definitions of "abandonment" through Conference 4. Which do you relate to the most in your spiritual life? Why?

  2. Meditate on the "Our Father" prayer. Pray it slowly. Think of each word. Pause when you say, "thy will be done." What did God speak to you through your time in meditation?

  3. Share a moment in your life when you followed the will of God. How did you know it was his will? How did it feel to say "yes" when he said, "Let me do it." What was the outcome?

  4. Grab your Bible and read the Word of God in Mt 6: 25-30. Read it once then pray with it for 2 minutes. Read it a second time and pray with in for 2 more minutes. Read it one final time and pray with it for 2 more minutes. What WORD or PHRASE stood out to you? Why do you think it stood out?

  5. Jesus told St. Gertrude, "You trouble me, Gertrude, by asking me for the cure of your friend. I sent her this sickness as a trial. She accepts it with admirable submission to my will which gains great merit for her, and I thus prepare a more beautiful Heaven for her for all eternity" (pg. 100). Have you ever had a prayer go unanswered? Did it seem like God ignored it? What good can you see coming from it?

Learn more about (or purchase) the book, I Believe in Love here!

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Draw Near Theme (and related music that is featured on this podcast) © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell, unless otherwise specified.

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