Episode 81

Unshakeable Confidence: Ch 3 - I Believe in Love


December 21st, 2022

27 mins 5 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

For a limited time, as a "Christmas gift" to our listeners, please enjoy our full discussion from our I Believe in Love book study on the third chapter of this life changing book. Here we discuss the danger in becoming too dependent upon ourselves, how our weaknesses are actually opportunities to encounter the Lord and why we must "become like little children." Shorter than a typical episode of Draw Near, but also a bit more personal at times, we hope and pray, but also believe, that these discussions will be a blessing to you (whether you have read the book or not - but we hope you will!).

For the Book Study (or for going deeper):
This book, "I Believe in Love," is a personal retreat based on the teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux written by Fr Jean C J D'Elbee

  1. Read Chapter 3 (pgs. 55-80)
  2. Listen to this discussion of Conference 3 between Fred and Kara from [Draw Near](drawnear.me)!
  3. Discuss the following discussion questions with a friend OR in the "discussion" feed within the book study on Suscipe You can also click on this link to join the study! It's not too late!

For your convenience, here are the questions:

  1. Take a moment to reflect on the words of St John Vianney, "God's greatest pleasure is to pardon us." We see similar words in St Teresa of Calcutta's I Thirst reflection, "When you give me your sins, you give me the joy of being your Savior."

What does this reveal about the mercy of God? How can we keep the realization of the Lord's joy in being our Savior before us from day to day, moment to moment?

  1. Fr D'Elbee writes, "There is a double danger in the method which diminishes the role of confidence and stresses the role of personal effort... If we are successful, there is the danger of pride, of attributing to ourselves what is in reality the work of grace; on the other hand, if we see no signs of progress, nine times out of ten, we fall into wretched, sterile discouragement."

In what ways have you found yourself relying on personal effort vs. grace?
How might a greater awareness of your own faults and "littleness" help you grow in confidence and holiness?

  1. On page 78 we read, "Pure love is realized in pure faith, and pure faith is realized in darkness in the same way as 'strength is perfected in weakness.'" How have you experienced moments of darkness and weakness? In what ways did these moments help to strengthen your faith?

  2. What does it mean to "become like children" (Mt 18:3)? Meditate on the image of God as YOUR father. How does this image speak to your heart? What does it reveal about his love for you as a his child?

  3. What strikes you about the words, "I believe in Your love for me and I believe in my love for You"? How might we root these words deep in our heart?

Learn more about (or purchase) the book, I Believe in Love here!

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Draw Near Theme (and related music that is featured on this podcast) © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell, unless otherwise specified.

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