Episode Archive
193 episodes of Draw Near since the first episode, which aired on October 16th, 2020.
Dad Joke Rematch
November 22nd, 2023 | 33 mins 40 secs
dad joke challenge
Back by popular demand, enjoy Draw Near's "dad joke" challenge. We have a rematch between Fred Shellabarger and Phillip Grothus, with Kara as the judge. Who do you think will take the title this time?
Heaven: What God Has Planned for Those Who Love Him - Homily with Fr Patrick Behm (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
November 20th, 2023 | 18 mins 22 secs
We are blessed to share that our good friend and frequent guest, Fr Patrick Behm, has joined us as a guest contributor! We will be posting some of his homilies as bonus content, confident that they will provide some great spiritual nourishment! Check out our website (under the blog tab) to find more of his homilies from week to week! We will also (after Thanksgiving) have small group questions available for each homily!
This week, Fr Behm continues his series on the Four Last Things with a homily on Heaven!
The God Who Sees: Lectio of Genesis 16
November 15th, 2023 | 45 mins 39 secs
encouragement, hard times, promises of god
We are back! (Again)! We are back in the studio TOGETHER with a new episode! Here we share some updates on our lives, where we are and what God has been doing in our hearts and in our lives over the last month and a half. Very much the fruit of prayer, in this episode, we return to our Lectio Divina series and reflect on Genesis 16, the story of Hagar, and what we can be sure of in our relationship with God during dark, difficult and dry seasons.
One thing we are sure of... We don't know who needs to hear this, but if you are finding yourself in a place of feeling like life has just happened to you, maybe right now circumstances have presented themselves that leave you feeling bruised and broken, maybe even through no fault of your own, feeling like it's hard to get up, maybe you are tired, things seem too hard to fix, you are losing hope... If that is you, take courage! Take comfort. THERE IS A GOD WHO SEES!
He sees. He is with you. You may think He is far, but He has never been closer. Call out to Him!
Pray this prayer with us:
"Heavenly Father, I know you see. You see my hurts, my scars, my falls. Help me to know and believe that you are with me. Help me to know your love. That I am your beloved child and you see me. Lord, you say, "Come to me all who are burdened and heavy ladened and I will give you rest." Lord, I give you all my burdens. I lay them at your feet. You see it all. You know me. Lord, stay with me. Fill me with your love and help me to know your peace." -
Purgatory: Letting Our Eyes Adjust to the Light - Homily with Fr Patrick Behm (32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
November 13th, 2023 | 11 mins 17 secs
We are blessed to share that our good friend and frequent guest, Fr Patrick Behm, has joined us as a guest contributor! We will be posting some of his homilies as bonus content, confident that they will provide some great spiritual nourishment! Check out our website (under the blog tab) to find more of his homilies from week to week! We will also have small group questions available for each homily!
This week, Fr Behm continues his series on the Four Last Things with a homily on Purgatory.
Read the readings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time here!
Is Mass Boring A Priest Responds (MLMG Ep 7)
November 10th, 2023 | 28 mins 31 secs
boring, catholic, mass, my lord and my god
Continuing the discussion from the previous episode on the often heard statement, "Mass is boring," we thought it would be good to hear from a priest who celebrates Mass daily. What is his experience of the Holy Mass? What is his perspective on this? What potential obstacles to our participation in the Mass does he see and how might they be overcome? How might we enter into the sacred mystery of the Mass more fully engaged? Hear from our good friend, Fr Patrick Behm on this most important topic.
Is Mass Boring? (MLMG Ep 6)
November 10th, 2023 | 25 mins 29 secs
boring, catholic, mass, my lord and my god
Catholic Mass is beautiful! Absolutely. Heaven meeting earth. The angels join us in offering praise to the Lord. God Himself, our savior and Lord Jesus Christ is fully present. In the Scriptures, in each one of us gathered together, and even more profoundly, in the Eucharist. But... as many of us have heard... or even thought... it can also be boring. Is there shame in admitting that? Have you ever had that thought? As humans, we experience the world through our senses. But what if what we see, hear, and smell at Mass bores us? How can we enter into the Mass more fully? This is the topic we take up in this first episode of a two part series on, "Is Mass Boring?"
Hell: Understanding What's At Stake - Homily with Fr Patrick Behm (31st Sunday in Ordinary Time)
November 5th, 2023 | 15 mins 21 secs
We are blessed to share that our good friend and frequent guest, Fr Patrick Behm, has joined us as a guest contributor! We will be posting some of his homilies as bonus content, confident that they will provide some great spiritual nourishment! Check out our website (under the blog tab) to find more of his homilies from week to week! We will also have small group questions available for each homily!
Fred's Testimony: From Heathen to Heaven (MLMG Ep 5)
October 27th, 2023 | 25 mins 12 secs
convert, fred shellabarger, testimony
What led a "professional heathen" to an encounter with Jesus Christ? How did merely "looking for a church to get married in" lead to a radical conversion that gave way to a quest for the fullness of faith and desire for truth? In this episode Fred tells the story of his "tale of two conversions" and recounts how a desire for a deeper encounter with Christ led him into the Catholic Church. Fred also recounts his First Communion and how that has shaped his reception of Communion ever since that first moment. He also recounts the challenges he faced coming into the Catholic Church and why he would do it all over again. As he states, "For me, receiving Christ in the Eucharist was the end of a lifelong journey; I found what I had been looking for my whole life. But, it was also more than that. It was also the commissioning for a new journey. A mission; sharing the love of Christ that I have found in the Eucharist with others."
Kara's Testimony: "I Am Here" (MLMG Ep 4)
October 27th, 2023 | 25 mins 52 secs
adoration, kara kardell, testimony
God deeply desires our love, just as he gives his love to us. He draws us to a deeper encounter with Christ through the Eucharist. This is exactly what happened in Kara Kardell's life. From a lukewarm Catholic with every opportunity to leave the Faith to a Catholic in love with God and the Church, tune in to this episode to hear her testimony of how her life was changed one night in Adoration.
Greatness Is... What you were made for
October 24th, 2023 | 22 mins 1 sec
encouragement, greatness, holiness, mission, purpose, reflection
Once again, Fred invites you into his morning routine. The obligatory coffee and a reflection on the call to holiness and mission, the purpose for which we were created, and how God desires to work in our lives. Drawing on the words of Pope Benedict XVI, Scripture, the Catechism, and the lives and teachings of the saints, we pray this reflection will help you to begin your day, the right way! Listen to find out what that means! :)
BONUS: The Book of Philippians
October 20th, 2023 | 16 mins 3 secs
encouragement, philippians, reading, scripture
As we have mentioned in the past, Fred's favorite Scripture passage... Literally, the Book of Philippians. We have teased posting a simple recording, reading the Philippians. So, as he sipped his coffee this morning, and prepared for the day, Fred thought, "Why not today!" So, we hope you enjoy!
Take some time to reflect on the wisdom the Lord offers us through St Paul; four simple chapters on living the Christian life well. And a great way to start the day.
Being the Right Kind of Ass: A Reflection on Num 22
October 17th, 2023 | 28 mins 59 secs
balaam's donkey, hearing god's voice, love, reflection, relationships
In this at times humorous, but always heartfelt (and honest) reflection, Fred brings our "Hearing God's Voice" series to a close by sharing some insights from the story of Balaam and his talking... @$$... er... eh... donkey. What can we learn about the Christian life, hearing the Lord's voice and the importance of relationships? Listen to find out!