Episode 146

The God Who Sees: Lectio of Genesis 16


November 15th, 2023

45 mins 39 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

We are back! (Again)! We are back in the studio TOGETHER with a new episode! Here we share some updates on our lives, where we are and what God has been doing in our hearts and in our lives over the last month and a half. Very much the fruit of prayer, in this episode, we return to our Lectio Divina series and reflect on Genesis 16, the story of Hagar, and what we can be sure of in our relationship with God during dark, difficult and dry seasons.

One thing we are sure of... We don't know who needs to hear this, but if you are finding yourself in a place of feeling like life has just happened to you, maybe right now circumstances have presented themselves that leave you feeling bruised and broken, maybe even through no fault of your own, feeling like it's hard to get up, maybe you are tired, things seem too hard to fix, you are losing hope... If that is you, take courage! Take comfort. THERE IS A GOD WHO SEES!

He sees. He is with you. You may think He is far, but He has never been closer. Call out to Him!

Pray this prayer with us:
"Heavenly Father, I know you see. You see my hurts, my scars, my falls. Help me to know and believe that you are with me. Help me to know your love. That I am your beloved child and you see me. Lord, you say, "Come to me all who are burdened and heavy ladened and I will give you rest." Lord, I give you all my burdens. I lay them at your feet. You see it all. You know me. Lord, stay with me. Fill me with your love and help me to know your peace."

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