Episode 10

Prayer: Intimate Friendship with God


December 23rd, 2020

47 mins 38 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

The spiritual IS the practical. Nothing in our spiritual lives (or lives in general) is more integral than a prayer life. This is where we grow in friendship with God! Listen for more on this topic, biblical examples and teachings, and tips to overcoming obstacles in prayer. 

Small Group Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is prayer important? What impact, if any, does prayer have on your life?
  2. What devotions, prayers, or times of prayer have had the most influence in your relationship with God?
  3. What are some common obstacles to prayer? How can you overcome these obstacles?
  4. In what ways is God calling you to grow deeper in the life of prayer?
  5. How did Christ draw you closer to him through this episode?

Show Notes:

Come Follow Me 

Willingness to Suffer

Why are you Catholic? (testimonies)

Lectio Divina explained (credit to Evangelical Catholic)


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